Wednesday 16 November 2011

Crap I forgot ^^

So so so sorry that I haven't posted. Forgot :P
So.... Y'know.

Life :)
I urr..... Been watching ItsKingslelyB*tch on youtube, he's friggin awesome.

I made this so you know I'm not like... Dead so....


Wednesday 26 October 2011

My day

I've had an amazing day today. I went to town with my mum. I went because we needed a dress, some make-up, and shoes for me, I got them! We're going to a party on Friday, you see.
 I couldn't make my mind up with the dress, so in the end, I'm sticking to the black one with starts on. My shoes are like brogues with small heels. I  love them, but they're a bit small in some areas. They squish my toes a bit, but I love them.
We went into the dress shop and saw this lacy dress. It was red and gorgeous, but it was too big on the chest area, and there was a lump on the back. It's for teenagers, so it has to be a bit bigger.
The other dress I checked out, felt like waterproof, but it was much nicer than the other one. I suppose I like them equally. It was gorgeous. It had horizontal coloured stripes.
Orange, blue, yellow and white (a tad of black).
It fit perfectly, but was too big in the chest area!
So yeah, I'm sticking to the right dress.
I'm wearing purple opaque tights. My brothers girlfriend said every ones going green, red and all that, so I'll be the only one wearing purple and will stand out.
My mum bought me my first proper make-up. An eye-shadow pallet with mixed bright colours (I'm going purple :D) and a little lip gloss.
My mum thinks I don't need make-up, cause I'm too young, she also says I'm beautiful (yeah right).
There wasn't really anything for my mum anywhere. She got under vests for when she's wearing her blouses and some emery nail boards, but there was no tops, or pants.
Anyway, it was a fun day, and I really enjoyed it.

Mimi says BAII ♥ :D

Tuesday 25 October 2011

The story of departion

SEV: feelings
Lara watched my Make me a scooter-er video and decided to help me!
When I started SEV (Star Entertainment Videos), It was really fun.
Me and Lara planned stuff, and wrote scripts and made music on music programmmes and  everything. It was fun. We came up with all sorts of video ideas; Like: Make me's (Turning someone into something like a nerd into a biker etc.),Pranks, Collaborations with other youtubers. But our last idea was Bingo And Wings which, was a skit on James Bond.
Lara came up with the idea Mimi's chat show aswell, which would of gone brilliantly. There was a logo and theme music that I came up with. She wrote the script as well, which she shared with Me through e-mail. Lara sent me the video of the theme music which she made on her keyboard and the pictures. We also, went to great lengths to get the news out there.
Like we started a blog for it, and we started a website, which if you click on that link, will take you to it:
Please bare in mind that it isnt starentertainment.weebly.
That isn't what we'd call appropriate.
So, we went to great lengths but sadly, didn't finish the site.
Then, one day, when we'd figured out everything, Lara thought very deeply about if she wanted to do this, or needed to do this. She thought it was just a want.
But she thought about it again and she would see where it takes us.
When we saw how many channel viewers we'd had (over 100!) we were ecstatic.
We didn't want to let our first fan down but then we had problems uploading the videos and we needed to unlock something. I unlocked it various times, but it just didn't seem to work.
Lara had another thought. She was right, it was just a want. She wanted to experience childhood right.
She told, me she was quitting, I was REALLY upset.
But life goes on sadly.
She said she's  sorry about what has happened to SEV.
The good news is, we're  still friends and business partners and we're starting a new business but not a video one :(
I also have a new band called Masquerade, check us out on facebook!
Thank you for reading, and bye.

Daily maybe?

I'm just sitting here, listening to Panic! At The Disco, Shiloh and Paramore.
I thought I'd blog :)
Might listen to Skrillex in a sec :)
Hey, so I've been watching 2012 videos, and let me just say, it won't happen.
The sun will send a flare that will cut off electricity for a bit. Nothing serious. But, there isn't a doubt that the world WON'T end.
I don't get why people think it will. Seriously, it's just a stone and they ran out of space to carve.
Anyway, I've been drawing lately, going to start up a drawing business :P
Yupp, that's Lady Gaga :)
Taking requests from friends :)
Yay, Paramore!!

Well, better go, and before I go, I'm working on homework. It's powerful people homework we've got over half term (Half term now! Yay!)
So me and Ellie (Friend) are doing Lady Gaga :)
Will post the VIDEO up :)
Byee x

Monday 10 October 2011


Me and Lara are suffering arguments, if Lara quits and let you down, I'll find another one, and start another business.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Daily blog?

Sorry, haven't blogged up with my brothers birthday and his party for his 18th.
So, I'm fine really. School's still crap and I'm looking forward to tuesday as we're going to blackpool, and horse riding, and archery other days. While we're in blackpool we're going to the cottage, the famous fish and chip shop, YAY!
So, better go!
Mimi out!

Saturday 24 September 2011

Star entertainment

We are currently in the process of making posters, websites, everything for our "company"

Pictures, videos, etc will be up soon.

Mimi, mini and fini'd


You are amazing!
You have worked SUPER hard on Star entertainment and it's brought us really close!
Elenore won't satisfy herself with everyone else but MONDAY we will meet up and I'll get her to go with Ellie for break, 'kayy?

I know this is stupid but I normally put "x" at the end of messages and I was too scared to do it to you cause you're so different!
Haha!! I suppose that Oppisites DO attract (AS A FRIEND, DUH!")
You dont know how much you deserve this.
Love from MIMI xD

Posters :)

Currently making posters for project with friend (Lara: Project: Star entertainment videos.)

Hehe! Piccies up soon xD

Mimi, mini and fini'd

My youtube :)

Hehe thats me alright!

Starting fresh!

Well basically, I made this ages ago, and it was for Stardoll but I feel like Stardoll has started boring me, so I haven't been on it as much and I deleted all my posts because they were Stardoll related and I feel like now is the time to start fresh as now I have a YouTube channel and I have started one with my friend!

I will be posting more often and will put the link to my channel in my next post, see you soon!!

♥♥ Mimi ♥♥